Indian New Deal, Tribal Termination, and Urban Relocation 1934-1967


Indian Adoption Project (IAP)

Newspaper ads for the Adopt Indian and Metis Program
Newspaper ads for the Adopt Indian and Metis Program

Administered by the Child Welfare League of America and funded by a federal contract from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Children’s Bureau, the Indian Adoption Project’s goal is to “stimulate on a nation-wide basis, the adoption of homeless American Indian children by Caucasian families.” The IAP places at least 395 Native American children from 16 western states with White families in Illinois, Indiana, New York, Massachusetts, Missouri, and other states in the East and Midwest. In 1968, the IAP program is folded into a larger Adoption Resource Exchange program. In June 2001, Child Welfare League Executive Director Shay Bilchik legitimates Native concerns, formally apologizing for the Indian Adoption Project at a meeting of the National Indian Child Welfare Association. (

Settler Colonial Policy